Sunday, January 16, 2011

End of the Beginning

Last Friday was my last day at Kid's College. After several discussions and negotiations, it was decided that my boss would write a letter of release and I am starting a new job. I'll still be in Pohang, just at the other end of town. I'm really excited about it. It will be less work, fewer hours and more money. Work less for higher pay:
The American dream!

My last day was bittersweet but still felt like any day. I sure will miss my babies.

My new boss has been looking for an apartment for me (I'll start working once I move) but hadn't found anything. Fine with me, though. I wouldn't mind a week off in between jobs... You know, to pack and stuff... (ie I hadn't started packing. At all.)

Had a relaxing weekend with friends (and no packing) and I'm enjoying my Sunday afternoon when I get a call at 3 p.m. that he found an apartment right behind the school. Can I move today? Haha funny joke... (Wasn't a joke.) I said I could move Monday morning (now). Later in the afternoon my director called me to tell me he'll call me later. He never called. I told him I could move anytime in the morning but still haven't heard from him.

The Korean way: Hurry up and wait. Drives me nuts... I should be used to it by now but I'm not.

But needless to say, I'm packed and ready. Quickly realized I have too many clothes and too much stuff. But I'll be here for another year now so I'm not getting rid of stuff just yet.

It didn't want to close... 

Almost there... 


Last night during my break from packing, I ate the most delicious dinner ever: Duck kabobs. Skewers of meat were placed in this grill type contraption that rotated them while roasting the meat. Ingenious. And you eat the meat samgyeopsal style (wrapped in lettuce with onions, garlic and other little side dishes). It was my first time trying duck and it was amazing!

Now it's almost noon. We'll see if I move today or not. (I'm secretly hoping not. I'd still like a week off! We'll see...)

So, friends and family... I'll eventually be stateside again, just not until February 2012... I'll pass out my new address as soon as I have it. 

1 comment:

  1. Yay! (I think).. I mean I am happy that you are having a good enough time in Korea to stay another yeah, buuut I am sad that you are going to miss my wedding. I can't wait to read more about your change of location.


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